It all began on Tuesday afternoon. The battery in my phone was quickly draining, and in order to survive 4 hours in class that evening, I was going to have to charge it before I could play Words With Friends. I did not have my charger, so I borrowed one. The borrowed cord needed to be returned, but iTunes on my computer was updating the phone. Anyway, long story short: I quickly clicked "Restore" on the screen, not knowing that meant " manufacturers' settings." In other words, I deleted everything on my phone~ contacts, pictures, games, ringtones, ANGRY BIRDS SCORES (!!!!), everything.
Wednesday: I ventured into the world of exercise equipment again, for the first time in a year and a half. I was all geared up for a stroll on the elliptical machine. I got on, but nothing happened. It had no power, and there was nothing I could do to make it work.
That afternoon (after substituting a stroll on a treadmill), I returned to my office a sweaty, sweaty mess. I pressed my face against the fan in my office, trying to get the breeze to dry my dripping hair. It worked for a while, then just stopped. It was still plugged in, and no circuit breakers had been blown. The fan just decided it could no longer take it.
Today: This morning, mid-way through my morning routine, my blow dryer did the same exact thing the fan did the previous afternoon!! It had been working just fine; then it just died...for no apparent reason. What are the chances??
So, I made it in to work only to find that the copier (which was just repaired yesterday) is not working, my UPS system completely crashed, and our postage machine's board is fried...and my fan still doesn't work.
So, all in all, I'm thinking that I must be exuding some kind of electrical force from my pores. Did you ever see the movie, "Powder?" I'm nearly as white as he was, and he also created a sort of electrical energy. Coincidence?
Until I feel like it,
That is just crazy! By the way, THANK YOU for the tu-tus! You are awesome! I will be buying more in the future!!! : ) Are you doing this for real, or just as a hobby? I think your stuff is good and believe me, I own over 100 bows and whatnots!
Anytime Ms. Summer. I'm doing this semi-for real. In other words, I'm doing it as for real as I can afford to invest at the moment. :o)
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