I don't often ask for help. It's kind of my thing; I demand to do things by myself so that I can later claim to "have to do everything!" But I digress.
In cases of emergency such as this, I must ask for the expertise of the public to help me understand the following items of discussion. I have accepted that I cannot find resolution on my own.
1. The new ordering procedure at Chik-Fil-A (CFA). Now I'm not sure if this is a nationwide thing or if it is a specialized change only for the lucky population near 41st and Yale in Tulsa, OK, but here is what is going on: Upon arrival at CFA, there are (wildly) pleasant employees standing approximately 10 feet in front of the drive-thru order sign. Please refer to the diagram. This person is labeled "1" and
"1A" as there are two ordering lanes. Anyhoo-- in my experience, I pull into the lane and "1" says something along the lines of "Hello!! Welcome!! Please drive forward to the menu and someone will be happy to take your order!" First of all, I think to myself, "Yes, thank you for the instructions. This is the first time I have ever been to a fast food establishment." But I pulled forward like a good girl. Here's where it started to get really weird. The same person, AKA #1, follows me to the menu order board and takes my order on an electronic tablet. What!? At the time, I just pretended like all of this was completely normal, but my mind was blown. She nor I mentioned the fact that we had already spoken, so she welcomed me to CFA once again. I ordered, she took my card, swiped it on her pocket card reader (How can I get one of those by the way?), and instructed me to move forward to the next station for my order confirmation. What kind of crazy chicken place has this become? I drive forward to station #2, an outdoor tent structure, where a second (wildly) enthusiastic employee confirmed my order and handed me my receipt. Why is this necessary!? #2 informs me that I have passed the test and I may now approach the window to receive my food. I thank her, and she tells me that it was her pleasure. Once I get to the window, the world is right again. I receive my delicious [grilled] chicken. Thank you, ketogenic diet. But seriously, the way I see it there are now 3 teenagers being paid to do the same job as an intercom once successfully accomplished. Am I missing something? Help me understand. **Edit: Aaron just informed me that this has been happening at CFAs for quite some time. As I have eaten a lot of chicken from this particular restaurant, I claim that this is a new procedure.
2. Candy Crush, the series. CBS 8:00 PM (CST) Sunday, following Big Brother. My primary concern with this program is that Candy Crush is no longer relevant. All the cool kids have moved on to
Township. Holla! Aside from the anxiety I have for CBS ratings, I just think that this show is an illustration of how far the intelligence of the American people has fallen. Once upon a time, winning a game show required some level of knowledge (Jeopardy, $100,000 Pyramid, Weakest Link). Now, Albert Clifford (A.C.) Slater is responsible for handing players a giant finger pointer while viewers at home watch candy-matching. Look at this picture and tell me you aren't embarrassed for everyone involved. Help me understand why this is okay. By explaining, you are not necessarily admitting that you watch it.
3. Exposed shoulders. I recently had the pleasure of enjoying a child-free evening with the little mister. During this time, I realized that exposed shoulders are all the rage. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against shoulders. However, I don't understand this look. Does the shoulder area retain a lot of heat, thus requiring additional ventilation? Are these shirts intended for the women feeling a little bit modest/ a little bit risque? Is there a group of singles out there with a "thing" for shoulders that these exposed ladies are trying to attract? Did Cosmo magazine recently do an article regarding shoulders,"The Body Part Nobody Is Talking About But Should Be..?" Maybe this is the opposite of 1980s shoulder pads. Just a thought. I guess if you have exceptionally nice looking shoulders, flaunt them. I won't judge, but I would like for you to help me understand.
These are the things that I've been pondering.
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