Sunday, July 2, 2017

Was Friday the 13th?

Since April, I've been working diligently to make some updates to our house. It is an ongoing mission and will probably never be completed. As a result of these projects, there is a corner of the garage dedicated to renovation supplies (paint, tools, cardboard boxes that are too big to break down and go into the recycle bin, etc.). Among these items is a wooden pallet. It's not just an ordinary, mildly-heavy pallet. This one must have concrete poured into the crevices because it is impossible to move. It lives on the right side of the garage against the shelves because no one in the house is strong enough to move it. Sorry, Aaron--not even you. It took a moving truck from Lowe's to get it into the garage in the first place. It will remain there until the end of time.

So last Friday, I awoke to torrential rain and had an appointment to make. Logically, I thought that there may be an umbrella located on the shelves in the garage. I innocently approached the shelves, thus the pallet, unsuspecting of impending doom. The pallet, I presume, was waiting for this singular moment to fall..right onto my foot.

I'm not just telling you about this to obtain sympathy, though you may offer some if you choose. The reason I mention my possibly broken foot is to document my evidence that Murphy's Law is real.

For approximately 1 month, I had no solid plans or deadlines, and everything ran like clockwork. However, on Friday I had a scheduled appointment and the universe crumbled. Coincidence? No.

The weather this summer in Oklahoma has been lovely. Tons of sunshine. As previously mentioned, Friday morning: Rain. 24 hour forecast: More Rain. Nothing ever runs smoothly on rainy days. My hair curls in unpredictable ways. Shoes make awkward noises. Things get soggy. Unless your plans are to hibernate on the couch, a rainy forecast just isn't going to work out.

As a result of the rain, I searched for an umbrella. See pallet incident. I did not find an umbrella. I hobbled back into the house, crying out of pain and anger, to get my rain jacket. My behavior in turn made my daughter cry. My son got mad at my daughter for crying. It was a hot mess. My husband was trying to ensure that my foot was not broken, but I did not have time for all that drama. See below. The photo does not capture the bruising as well as I would like. I guess the intention of photography is normally to make subjects look as pretty as possible. Not this time. I want it to look as gruesome as it feels.

Anyway, back to the story, I did not think to apply waterproof mascara that morning because who woulda thunk that it was necessary on a typical Friday morning to apply waterproof mascara?! So, I looked like a sad clown quickly galloping around the house on one foot.

I got myself cleaned up and made it to my car. I got new tires on my car in May, and I have had no alerts on my dashboard since then. Friday morning: The dashboard says "Check tire pressure!" Assuming my car knows what it is talking about, I got out [in the rain] to check the tires. My tires looked fine. I'm not sure if I was relieved or mad that I didn't have a flat tire. The universe could not win by that time.

The weather, the pallet, and my dashboard were all conspiring against me, but I won. I beat Murphy's Law, and I'll tell you how.  Pattern mixing. I have pretty much come to the conclusion that regardless of what else is happening in your life, mixing patterns will always create joy. I have shared with you one of my secrets to living a happy life. You're welcome.

And that's what I have to say about that.


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