Tuesday, June 8, 2010

4:00 AM and here I am.

Baby Jilly has learned that the only time of day she can have quality alone time with me is between the hours of 12:00-6:00 AM, and she takes full advantage of these hours. I do enjoy this time, and in fact I have begun setting my alarm an hour earlier so that I can play with her before starting my "getting ready for work" process, although I could count on 2 fingers the times I have still been asleep when my alarm goes off. This little girl does need to realize, however, that this behavior on Monday nights is unacceptable. In the meantime, here are some thoughts from this sleepy, scraggly-looking crafter.
~My contention is that being de-friended on Facebook by someone you would never be friends with in "real-life" creates a confusing swirl of emotions. The ultimate confusion occurs, however, when the de-friender is a family member. What's that you say? Your family members would never do that? Oh.

~Never (ever) think that a spur-of-the-moment Supercuts haircut is a good idea. It's not. In reality, Supercuts really isn't as cheap as people remember it being in the 1990s, especially when you add in the money it will cost you to go to another salon to salvage the remaining hairs that were lucky enough to survive the massacre.

~Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey: "I wish I had a dollar for every time I spent a dollar, because then, yahoo! I'd have all my money back."

~The fancy-shmancy bloggers of the world say that daily blog updates are required to keep your readers happy. As my gift to you, I will do my darndest to provide you daily information nuggets.

~After a weekend on the lake, I have decided that I am exclusively seeking out friends with boats. And chiropractor friends. The ultimate friend would be a chiropractor with a boat.

~Were you aware that it is possible to write a book review on a 220 page book that you didn't have time to read? Heather Beck can!

~The first 125 people to comment on this blog will receive a surprise greater than anything they could ever imagine.

You're welcome.


I leave you with this:
She's thrilled.

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