Monday, July 12, 2010

The face of ignorance

Once upon a time, exactly 7 years ago today, these two people married at the ripe old ages of 20 and 22 years old. These people were ignorant. These people were my husband and me. I distinctly remember telling my mother that the only additional expense the two of us would have after getting married would be a cell phone payment. Keep in mind that we were moving to NEW YORK CITY a couple of weeks after the wedding, and I genuinely thought our only new expense would be a cell phone payment. Idiot.
I saw no reason for concern regarding our new living expenses. After all, I was making a hearty income of $9/hour working for Victoria's Secret (15-20 hours a week) while my husband was a full time student...IN NEW YORK CITY! We had no health insurance, no grocery money, no money of any kind...but we were fine because we had credit cards. Idiots.
6 months after our wedding, Aaron accepted a 3-month job traveling around Iowa with an opera company. Instead of staying in NYC, I chose to live in an RV on my in-laws' property. I don't regret leaving NYC, but wouldn't it have been easier for everyone for me to simply live INSIDE my in-laws' house where there was heat and running water? Idiot.
Fast forward to our stint in Tallahassee, FL, where Aaron completed his Master's degree at FSU. Go Noles. I convinced my husband that I needed a scooter. He bought me a scooter. We had one car and a scooter that maxed out at 40 mph. When Aaron left town again to teach at a summer program in Missouri, I was left in FL with a scooter. I didn't consider rainy days or the fact that we lived directly off of the busiest street in Tallahassee. I just knew that I needed a scooter. Idiot.
I can honestly say that we haven't done too many really stupid things since moving back to my hometown, maybe because, between the two of us, we have 3 sets of parents within 100 miles of us; they keep us in line as much as possible.
Despite the stupid decisions we've made, I don't regret buying a ring 3 weeks after meeting Aaron, nor do I regret marrying him after only spending a total of 2 months with him before tying the knot. I do regret the fact that he does not write a blog, thus I do not get blogs dedicated to me...but I guess I can overlook that if it means having 7 more blissful years together.


Aaronius Beckius said...

Ah....but there's where you're wrong, my dear.

ankmommy said...


Abby Davis said...

I remember the RV. You guys are awesome. Lmao.

Heather- reformed idiot said...

Yessss...I love dedications.

Rachel said...

Yesss... your scooter. Awesomeness.

H said...

hahaha. love it!

Summer said...

Heather, you are HILARIOUS! I read this out loud to Corey and we were both chuckeling! Idiot!! : ) Good to learn from yourself and laugh AT yourself!! Happy Anniversary! Summer Ratzlaff