Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Go Google yourself.

Googling yourself is not a new idea, by any means. However, here is a new twist on the process: Google Image search yourself. For you non-technically minded people out there, click on "Images" in the top left corner of the Google home page. In the search box, type your name, then search. Take a look at the people out there walking around with your name. Compare yourself to them. If you want to get really fancy, and if you have too much time on your hands, you can Google all the members of your family and photoshop them into a family photo. Here are the image search results for:

Me (Heather Beck). Question: Do all Heather Becks have red hair??

Husband (Aaron Beck). I've always had a thing for older men...and bow ties.

Rowan Beck: Holy cow! The pictures that come up for Rowan Beck really are pictures of my son. Lots of them! Weird. Here's another Rowan though, just for kicks. That is a nice tie knot for a two year old.

Jillian Beck: I almost didn't recognize her without a giant bow on her head.
Until tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I need my daughter to google my image and then send it to me please! Thanks, Love ya lots!

Rachel said...

Jillian Beck is the best!!