Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"Would You Rather...?" Wednesday

I keep stumbling across blogs that have themed days of the week, so I am birthing a new idea, without an epidural mind you. Wednesdays are now "Would You Rather...? Wednesdays."

Official Rules: No "Would you rather..." question may ever been answered with "neither." That defeats the whole game. Obviously you would pick neither choice if you had the option, but you don't. Accept it.

And here we go:

Would you rather...

A. ...only be allowed to take showers between the hours of 2:00 AM-3:00 AM, or
B. be unable to drink from cups?

A. ...have constant body odor, or
B. have a permanent wedgie?

A. ...write like a 2 year old?
B. type like your grandfather?

A. forced to spend all vacations at Dollywood, or
B. only have KFC as a restaurant option?

A. ...have a regenerating gummy bear tongue, or
B. have bacon flavored fingernails?

A. ...resemble Weird Al Yankovic, or

...a heavy Carnie Wilson?

Thanks for playing.
Until tomorrow.


Rachel said...

B. Bottles are still an option... and cans.

B. A wedgie is less offensive than body odor. Sometimes, people come into BBW and smell like cat urine. I don't understand. Do they use meth or do their cats literally pee on their clothes?? Is it wrong that I find the meth less offensive??

B. My grandpas are pretty savvy.

A. FORCED?? to spend vacations at Dollywood. Uhhh...Dream. Come. True.

A. As long as the tongue still functions...delish.

A. I think I DO resemble Weird Al...or at least I did all of middle school and most of high school.

Anonymous said...

All answers are B...Bacon flavored finger nails are a low-carbers dream come true!

HeatherB said...

My thoughts:
B. I do not sacrifice sleep, ever.

A. Constant body odor- I have a friend that could cut me a sweet deal on Bath & Body Works spray.

A. Write like a 2 year old. I can remember the last time I had to actually write something. I use computers for all important documents.

B. KFC- Maybe I would lose weight if I did not have any other options besides KFC. I would be forced to eat at home.

A. Gummy bear tongue. I wouldn't want everything I touch to look greasy.

A. Weird Al. No question.