Friday, July 16, 2010

"Will Work for iPhone"

I want an iPhone. All the cool kids have them. My Blackberry rollerball has quit, and I want its replacement to be an iPhone, but this entails cancelling my Sprint contract and opening one with AT&T. Granted, paying to end my contract with Sprint is cheaper than me purchasing a new phone from Sprint before my contract ends. In order to afford for this transaction, all proceeds from Jillian's Roses (  will be deposited into my "iPhone Bucks Jar."

Proof that iPhones have taken over the world:
*My mom has switched from Mary Kay foundation to Avon foundation because it doesn't rub off on her iPhone screen.
*My mom, who lets my son get away with murder, does not allow him to touch her iPhone.
*I have literally heard 4 people tell me that they are "in love" with their iPhones in the last week. I have not heard 4 people offer that they are "in love" with their spouse in years.

Side note: I think the young technologically-savvy teenagers of today should be required to carry a 1990s Nokia model for 2 years before being allowed to own a touchscreen phone of any kind. They do not appreciate the gadgets available to them.

Please allow me to join the cool kids group by purchasing flowers, accessories, and tutus from my website so that I may get rid of my defective Blackberry. If you do not know anyone in need of these items, feel free to simply donate your money. Thank you for your time.

Until tomorrow.


Chance said...

Just so you know, you can still buy what looks like a 90s model Nokia in Grove, Oklahoma. It looks just like the phone Sunnee used to have, only lighter.

Anonymous said...

I am the coolest kid on the block ya know!!! :) AND I'm sure if Row Row REALLY wanted to play with Nana's phone, she would probably let him with no problem.